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Grounds for Security

Content Marketing

A 7 week coffee break series on cyber security for CDW. Comprised of a dedicated portal filled with white papers, videos and Q&As.

The Challenge

To give customers a thorough understanding of all the secure cloud solutions CDW offers in a unique, engaging way, from the experts themselves.

The Target

Potential users of CDW cyber security solutions, along with those that are already customers but would like to find out more about all they can offer.

The Solution

The creation of a series of virtual coffee breaks over 7 weeks, each one led by a cloud security expert. Each watched video resulted in a stamp, with 5 stamps leading to a coffee hamper and invitation to a virtual coffee experience (complete with an expert barista!).

The Outcome

An influx of registrations from net new potential customers, along with established ones too.

The Results

  • 7 Weekly Video Sessions
  • 300 Registrations
  • 28 Dedicated Leads

50+ clients who are pushing the limits of B2B Lead Generation